Download area
For installation and usage details, refer to the installation & usage guide.See also the FAQ for answers to common problems/questions.
Nodezilla does not contain any adware or spyware, nor does it change any system settings, and it will only install files to the Nodezilla directory. Nodezilla comes with a install program that will easily remove it, if desired.
Windows packages - Network Agent + Clients Package
- Windows installer: version 0.5.15-cindy
- Mirrors if the above link fail.
Linux packages - Network Agent + Clients Package
- Linux TGZ archive: version 0.5.15-cindy
- Mirrors if the above link fail.
You also will need on your system to use the Java Client.
Multi-platform packages
PeerSnap: Digital Photo Sharing - Web Start Archive : PeerSnap
Nodezilla4Web: Personal Web Server - Web Start Archive : Nodezilla4Web
Azureus plugin for Nodezilla Distributed Torrent Database: Download - Usage Guide
Nodezilla Clients: Sources - Zip archive : NZ Clients Source
Copyrights and Inventions: Copyright law and laws pertaining to patents and inventions protect original works of authorship and inventions.
Individuals who reproduce, distribute copies, receive copies, publicly perform or display works or inventions other than their own and without the
consent of the owners or holders of rights, or their authorized agents, in original works of authorship or inventions,
may be in violation of copyright, patent and other laws applicable to an individual's specific country. Nodezilla Makers does not condone copyright,
patent or other intellectual property infringement. This is not intended to be legal advise
or counsel. If you have any questions consult your attorney.
The use of Nodezilla for illegal activities, including infringement of intellectual property laws, may subject the infringing user to civil
and/or criminal penalties.